Hi, my name is Emma, and I'm 10 years old. When I was just one year old in 2014, my dad was a USPSA shooter. I loved watching him compete, and it made me really interested in shooting.
When I was seven, I saved up and bought my first rifle. I went to our local range a lot to practice shooting. Then, when I turned eight, my dad taught me how to shoot my mom's .22 pistol. That's when I started shooting Steel Challenge matches.
When I was nine, my dad and I took a long break from shooting. But now that I'm 10, I told my dad I really wanted to get back into it. He said that in order to compete in the matches we wanted to, I'd have to learn to shoot a 9mm gun. So that's what I did!
Now I shoot a Glock in the USPSA Production Division and I'm proud to say I'm ranked as a D Class shooter. I'm having so much fun learning and improving my skills, and I can't wait to see where shooting takes me next!